Weddings can be a very stressful affair. Our goal is to satisfy your specific needs and expectations and to make your marriage ceremony as perfect as it can possibly be.
Our journey begins with a discussion of your desires and expectations as a couple. Together we will map out a marriage ceremony that suits your personalities and gives meaning to the commitment you are making to each other.
Your wedding ceremony can take place anywhere on the Island – cottage, beach, vineyard, restaurant, park, church, barn, field, your home, my home … whatever location or venue best supports the precious moments you, as a couple, wish to share.
This is YOUR day moving forward in a life of love, laughter and precious moments to be shared together.
Your wedding, YOUR way!
Diana Lariviere and William Caw
Phone: 1-902-675-3221
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.weddingspei.ca
FaceBook: www.facebook.com/WeddingseiByDiana